Nosedive into the Real World

As discussed before, in previous blogs, I am a senior graphic design student at Ohio Northern University, and my journey here is coming to an end which evokes a series of emotions such as joy, fear, anxiety, and freedom, I could go on, but I will spare the reader. I am excited to end my time here at Ohio Northern, I think entering my career field is going to be a scary experience, considering how competitive the design field is. The fact that design is an ever-growing field gives me a piece of mind though because it seems everyone needs a graphic designer for this, that, and the other. 

Another thing that has given me a piece of mind is my professional practices class. In this class the students and I are learning how to enter the field and be successful at it. A lot of the class is just learning the ins and outs of a lot of legal jargon, which we need to know, however, the other parts of the class involve us learning how to build a personal identity, improve our interview skills, market ourselves, etc. 

One big thing that I have taken from this class and others, is that I am more talented than I give myself credit for. I know how that sounds... I am not saying I am a better designer than anyone else because design is subjective, but throughout my years here, I have always been a timid designer, not overly confident of my work, but I really do create some impactful designs that I should be proud of. My capstone comes to mind, I think it will be really successful as a complete body of work, and as a designer, it is okay to say that because if anyone should have confidence in your designs, it is you. 


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